
What people are saying about Life Energy C, liposomal vitamin C

It’s helped so much with energy in general and feel a boost straight away after I have it morning and night. Haven’t been sick since either. I’ve even got back into a good exercise routine! A

I was recommended Abbey’s High Dose Vitamin C from various people in our community and I also did some research of my own. I have recently returned from an operation which resulted in being infected during surgery with a nasty bacteria which has invaded my prostate and bladder. I was hospitalised from the infection and 6 weeks later, I am still on high strength antibiotics. Abbey’s product I feel has really lifted me out of the worst of it, and I genuinely feel stronger and clearer after taking it. I will continue until I am fully recovered and for some time after I feel. One thing I personally admire about Abbey and her vision, is that it comes from a real place of care and consideration for own healing and for others.This product is honest, with integrity, and based on expansive research and investigation.
Paul Jarman

I used your vitamin C and was very impressed by it’s potency. I have a tendency towards sinus issues with green nasal discharge. While using the Life Energy C it cleared up. When I ran out and while traveling in America, I bought a conventional product and it was very poor quality. When I first started taking your product my mouth would pucker with the tartness but then my body began to like and even crave it.
Stephanie Brooks

Living well with a secondary breast cancer diagnosis is a whole lot easier for me, since I started on Life Energy, liposomal vitamin C. I have increased mental clarity and increased physical energy, both of which contribute greatly towards living an active, healthy and happy life.

I have been using ‘Life Energy C’ consistently for 5 months. I have found it to be of benefit in supporting me though a range of daily activities.It has had a noticeable impact supporting my immune system, especially in my role as a teacher. Earlier in the year my entire family and a large number of my workmates became bedridden with a virus that was doing the rounds, I only dealt with a small bout of the sniffles. Another benefit I have appreciated is the anti-inflammatory properties, in regards to both a history of allergies and joint/muscle stress from physical activities (including high mileage trail runs, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and surfing). I believe the ‘Life Energy C’ has reduced my inflammation,supported my body to deal with stresses and speed up the healing process. I recommend this product, ‘Life Energy C’ to anyone and everyone I meet! It has had a huge positive effect on my life and my ability to engage in an active life fully. I currently have 5ml in the morning when I rise and consume another 5ml in the evening. In the case of a sickness being around or a particularly stressful period of activity I will increase this.
Thank You
Adrian Herron
Assistant Principal Nambucca Heads Public School

Abbey’s Life Energy C is a powerful aid to strengthening the immune system….highly recommend…even as a maintenance to avoid illness ..very pure and easy to absorb…Love it …thanks Abbey.
L.L March 2018

I love your Liposomal Vit C – my energy is back and I sleep so much better – thank you S.S March 2018

I have had on going gum disease for a long time and have been going to my dentist who is doing what he can. It is quite severe and I have lost teeth. Today I went, and as he was cleaning he said, “Your gums are looking very good!…What have you been doing? Have you been taking Vitamin C?”. Now in the years I have been being treated he has never said anything like this. I told him briefly of your High Dose Life Energy C that I have been taking for a couple months. I was amazed as my gums were not the reason I had in mind for taking the high dose vitamin C, but my dentist’s observations have made me very happy. I cannot express my gratitude enough to you for making this available to me.
L.L April 2018

Your Life Energy C has been vital in healing from a chronic illness and for (literally) getting me on my feet each day with chronic fatigue. Thank you for providing a great product that is free from soy and alcohol. Your Life Energy C has saved our family. It gives me the energy and immunity that my body needs to get through each day with an energetic one year old and four year old .The ingredients are perfect for me and the results are beyond amazing. T.H April 2018

Check out the many articles related to high dose vitamin C.