Liposomal Vitamin C for Neuropathy


It’s both the lecithin and the ascorbic acid which are going to reduce the symptoms of neuropathy The Vitamin C will reduce the inflammation and repair the damage where it can (neuropathy has many and varied root causes). The lecithin component of the liposomal vitamin C contains choline a building block for our nerve cells. Choline protects the myelin sheath and maintains nerve function. For anyone undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy liposomal vitamin C is a sure way to to protect your healthy cells from the nerve damage these therapies can so often inflict.
Cancer alone is enough to deal with without adding neuropathy to the mix.
Here’s a great article that explains all the different types of neuropathy and the various symptoms. The author also lists conventional treatments, symptom management and suggested supplements. Lecithin is top of the list and the author suggests between 1.2 and 3.6 grams of lecithin powder each day.
So, 2 teaspoons of Life Energy C Liposomal Vitamin C each day is going to take care of this nerve maintenance requirement. It is safe to increase this amount to the level in which you feel a sense of increased brain focus and or alertness ( yes lecithin is great brain food). Friends who have suffered from neuropathy tell me they almost instant feel relief and increased clarity from just one tablespoon of life Energy C.

Learn more about neuropathy

Buy Alcohol-free & Soy-free Liposomal Vitamin C
within Australia – Life Energy C

The Life Energy C product will provide 44g of ascorbic acid and tastes like ..well tastes like nothing else. There are no fruity flavors in this product to mask this pure product’s taste. Note: Many people say they get used to the taste after a week of taking it and come to crave the unusual taste. I pour it down the back of my throat to avoid many taste buds and the taste doe sot linger. The best way I can describe it is a strange sour yet zingy taste.

Need Liposomal C from outside Australia..

Europe & USA
LipoNaturals link to LipoNaturals product

The Liponaturals product on i-herb will provide 30g of ascorbic acid and the flavours of fermented plum, mint, & linseed. Note; The cost of postage varies on i-herb depending on the amount of products you order in one purchase. With orders I make on i-herb over around $50-$60 I find standard postage is about 10 days and free.
And…need 10% off?
If you are new to shopping on please note:
New iHerb customers will get an instant 10% discount off their first/ current order by using this code at the iHerb check out page: MIN5266

The Connection Between Collagen and VitaminC

So collagen is said to be the glue that holds our bodies together. Collagen keeps our ligaments moving smoothly and our skin and hair elastic and strong. It is needed to replace dead skin cells with new skin cells.
Collagen contributes to the formation of connective tissue and can seal and heal the protective lining of the gastrointestinal tract.  Eating bone broths which are  high in collagen, is said to improve your collagen levels. We can also support our body to convert collagen to a usable protein by increasing our vitamin C intake. When we have adequate vitamin C levels the collagen we eat can be transformed into energy.

In this deep, yet super easy to follow article on collagen Dr. Josh Axe explains all things collagen and clearly states that “In order for collagen to be activated in the body, you always want to take your supplements with a source of amino acids and vitamin C

Another article of interest by W.J. McCormick, MD  which can be found at Selene River Press discusses the fact that “cancer tends to take root mainly in areas of the body that have become depleted in collagen—the elastic connective tissue responsible for “cementing” cells in their place. As collagen diminishes, he says, cancerous cells become free to exercise their natural “amoeboid activity” and move to other parts of the body (i.e., metastasize). Since the body requires vitamin C to produce collagen, Dr. McCormick argues, it stands to reason that a deficiency of  vitamin C enables the spread of cancer—a notion supported by the fact that cancer patients tend to be severely depleted in the nutrient.”
Read the full article at Selene River Press.

In this next online article written for the Natural Food Series, food and nutrition resource library Jose Adams clearly explains the 11 most amazing benefits of vitamin C



So when you tell your nurse or doctor that you are taking high dose vitamin C each day and the reply is “well at least you won’t catch a cold” don’t forget to tell them about how you are supporting yourself in so many more ways, inside and out.

My breast cancer nurse said the same to me recently, and it just showed me that the world really needs to get up to speed with the importance of increasing and maintaining high levels of vitamin C. She was right, I have not caught a cold or flu since I began taking it…and there is so many more benefits I’m enjoying that sadly many more cancer patients could be sharing in too.

In this online article by Dr. Jockers he explains Liposomal vitamin C in easy-to-read terms, and in much more depth. He also gives the following
Liposomal Vitamin C
dosage recommendations:

Check out my high dose vitamin C blog and the many articles related to high dose vitamin C here.

Buy soy-free and alcohol-free liposomal vitamin C here

Read testimonials from people enjoying the benefits of Life Energy C liposomal vitamin C here

DIY liposomal vitamin C recipe

High Dose Vitamin C can be made at home.

If you are at a stage in your healing journey where you have the ability to focus your attention energy and time towards making your own Liposomal Vitamin C, then I fully encourage you to give this recipe a go. It is the best recipe I have come across on the web and the one I initially used for my own product.

Due to the type of cancer I was diagnosed with and for the great care I take of my liver, I make the above high dose vitamin c  recipe without alcohol and I only ever make it with  non-GMO sunflower lecithin, never soy. I use a borosilicate glass beaker suspended in a large powerful ultra sonic cleaner to degas quickly after blending, and for creating the liposomes.

I recommend you read everything on the website before getting started with making your own liposomal vitamin C. Have the Quality Liposomal C website at hand to double check your understanding is clear as you proceed with the process.
I bought my Australian made ultrasonic cleaner from Jake and Lyn at Unisonics. They have been really helpful. My blender is 2L in size and I have a bar fridge turned on very cold, to accommodate the blender or the beaker during the cooling periods.
Homemade liposomal vitamin C recipe utensil

I am constantly checking the temperature of my mix when it’s in the blender and in the beaker. I find that these lipids can change temperature very fast once they pass 25c. I use an infrared thermometer not too different from the one pictured above. This style of temperate reading device can be purchased at Bunnings Australia. It is a very clean way to get temperature readings from the inside and bottom of the blender jug.

Finally, be patient and plan ahead. It takes lots of time and plenty of attention to the process to make good liposomes. I do understand that not everyone’s energy, or weekly healing routine is the same as mine, and not everyone’s schedule will align with the time needed to complete this recipe, this week. I do encourage you however to bookmark this page, so that if and when you are ready to give it a go or you decide it might suit a friend who is looking for healing support- it’s here at your finger tips.

Wishing you all the very best for a joy-full recovery!
p.s bookmark and or follow this blog as I will be updating this recipe page before the end of Feb 2019 with a new (easy to follow and faster to make) recipe; one that I have been using myself and am in the process of recording.
Recipe Page Header Image 1200x660

In this online article by Dr. Jockers he explains Liposomal vitamin C in easy-to-read terms, and in much more depth. He also shares his own Liposomal Vitamin C dosage recommendations:

Check out my blog and the many articles that may help you.

Buy my soy-free and alcohol-free liposomal vitamin C here



My personal high dose vitamin C and cancer journey.

This photo of me was taken in Janurary 2018, shortly after I was given some very good news by my oncologist.

My own secondary ER+ breast cancer healing journey has led me to create this Liposomal Vitamin C information blog site.

High Dose Liposomal Vitamin C is providing me with increased energy and increased sense of well-being during my own healing journey. I hope my website inspires you to continue learning more about Liposomal C, and maybe even experience just how supportive it may be towards your own healing.

I was diagnosed with ER+ breast cancer in 2014 and metastatic breast cancer to the skeletal system in June 2017. I started on the high dose Vitamin C in August 2017. Many people have said to me since then, “Wow- but you’re looking so well”, and since taking high doses of liposomal vitamin C every day, I’ve never felt better in my life. There is so much more than meets the eye going on when you take high dose vitamin C in the form of liposomal vitamin C. It’s this ‘so much more than meets the eye’ part that has inspired me to create this blog-site.

High dose vitamin C is not the only therapy I’m on, but I’m sure the energy it provides me with is playing a huge role in my ability to be enjoy the cancer healing journey as much as I am.

In Jan’ 2018 my oncologist confirmed that my tumor markers have dropped by half and are now down in the ‘normal’ person’s range and confirmed that my bone and CT scans show that my tumors themselves have stabilised.

I’m feeling so good that I am now making time each day to get out there and shout far and wide about Liposomal Vitamin C to anyone who may want to support their own healing and increase their energy levels.

In August 2017 I was driving for an hour twice a week to get 3 hour long, intravenous vitamin C treatments for cancer at my GP’s clinic. These treatments were gifted to me by a very generous family, but not affordable for me long term, and therefor not viewed as a sustainable option for me. On top of that, the intravenous vitamin C needles were just  ‘not’ easy to administer each time, and after 5 weeks I had definitely had enough needles and too many exhausting intravenous C come-down moments, where my energy completely dropped away.

When looking at ways to support myself during the crash or come-down from the super high dose intravenous vitamin C infusions I began taking several brands of liposomal vitamin C which I was purchasing on i-herb. They all helped me stop the huge crashes of energy, feel better and maintain high levels of C in my blood between intravenous sessions.

However, I soon put on my reading glasses and saw the fine print of what I was taking and discovered that the Liv-on Brand of Liposomal Vitamin C (which appears as  everyone’s favorite)  is made on soy lecithin and contains 12% v/v alcohol. I personally, had to look into alternatives as both soy and alcohol are unfortunately not recommended for people diagnosed with ER+ breast cancer.

So, moving forward, I have created this blog site with easy links to to help others easily better understand high dose vitamin C.

Update: June 2018
It will be 12 months since my secondary breast cancer diagnosis next month, and by early July 2018 I will have discussed my next lot of blood tests, bone and CT scans with my oncologist. I look forward to sharing the test results with you in July 2018.

Update: Aug 2018
The latest CT scan showed ‘nothing’ apart from already seen and stabilised activity within the bones. The bone scan report showed no progression. My breast cancer tumor markers dropped even further. I was already back in the ‘normal’ range, now I must be in the super healthy person range for sure because I’m feeling amazing!
After the above mentioned results came in, I went for an ultrasound to examine areas on my chest wall, armpits and right breast where active lobular carcinoma tumors were confirmed via biopsy last June. There was nothing there. Yes, these three confirmed tumors that originally led me to CT, PET and bone scans and the diagnosis of secondary cancer throughout my skeletal system, have now completely vanished. How exciting! Could the same be happening throughout my body. I believe it is.

Update: Nov 2018
My breast cancer tumor markers have dropped even further. I’m feeling magnificent and I will be getting an MRI of my spine next month to see how my Lumbar region is looking.
I’m not taking as much vitamin C as I once was. I am currently taking 5 grams of vitamin C a day. This is  in one 25ml dose of Life Energy C, from a shot glass, on an empty stomach – in the afternoon/evening/before my dinner.

Update: May 2019
To catch up on the good news, head over to my other blog healing breast

Read testimonials from other Australians who are benefiting from my high quality soy-free and alcohol-free liposomal vitamin C here
In this online article by Dr. Jockers he explains Liposomal vitamin C in easy-to-read terms, and in much more depth.
 Dr. Jockers also shares his Liposomal Vitamin C dosage recommendations:
Check out my blog and the many articles that may help you.
Purchase soy-free and alcohol-free liposomal 
vitamin C at


The Power of Phospholipids in Life Energy C; High Dose Vitamin C

This article explores the research that says ingesting high concentrations of quality phosphatidylcholine (PC) provides enormous health benefits in terms our liver, cardiovascular, kidney, lung, gastrointestinal (GI), neurologic, and skin functions.

PC is an essential Phospholipid. Each teaspoon (5g) of Life Energy C contains 1g of Vitamin C in the form of Ascorbic Acid which is directly deposited into our cells due to the fact that it is encapsulated within 4 grams of phospholipids made from non-GMO sunflower seeds. Read wonderful article on the incredible power of phospholipids here

In this online article by Dr. Jockers he explains Liposomal vitamin C ( including the phospholipid component) in easy-to-read terms, and in much more depth.

Dr. Jockers also shares his Liposomal Vitamin C dosage recommendations:

Check out my blog and the many articles that may help you.

Buy soy-free and alcohol-free liposomal 
vitamin C here

What are Liposomes?

Liposomes are
tiny “nano-size” fat soluble vehicles
for carrying nutrients to the body’s cells.   

Dr Alec Banham, a hematologist at the Babraham Institute in Cambridge, UK discovered the liposomal technology.
“Lipo” is Greek for fat while “soma” means body.  These are a double layer of fatty materials which is similar to the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membranes in the body.

Liposomal vitamin C is packaged like a bodily cell so it passes through the digestive barrier and delivers the nutrient directly to the bloodstream.  This has a much higher absorption rate with over 90% of the cells being bathed in vitamin C.  This is even vastly superior to IV vitamin C which is an expensive but effective procedure that is done quite often in hospitals and alternative health clinics.

In this online article by Dr. Jockers he explains Liposomal vitamin C in easy-to-read terms, and in much more depth.

Dr. Jockers also shares his Liposomal Vitamin C dosage recommendations:

Check out my blog and the many articles that may help you.

Buy soy-free and alcohol-free liposomal 
vitamin C here





Collection of Articles on Lecithin

This article belwo was written by Kalli Harrison for and is worth reading to understand more about the benefits of consuming the lecithin in which the vitamin c is encapsulated.

Benefits of Phosphatidylcholine


Phosphatidylcholine is a ubiquitous, naturally occurring phospholipid molecule. It is the major lipid, or fat, of cell membranes and blood proteins. Also known as PC, phosphatidylcholine serves as the body’s main source of choline, an essential nutrient and precursor to the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. PC is also necessary for the production of surfactants, which are critical for lung function and gastrointestinal health. The terms “phosphatidylcholine” and “lecithin” are sometimes used interchangeably; however, lecithin is actually a mixture of several lipids and phospholipids.

Liver Health

PC is necessary for the composition and repair of cell membranes and is vital for normal liver function. Research indicates PC’s most beneficial role is in the prevention and treatment of various forms of liver disease and toxicity. PC protects liver cells from viral damage, reduces fibrosis, and prevents cell death from drugs, alcohol and other chemical toxins.

Several studies have shown PC’s protective and healing effect on patients with hepatitis A, B and C. In a double blind trial published in the journal Liver, PC administration for chronic, active hepatitis resulted in significant reduction of disease activity. Another study in Hepatology, revealed that choline-deficient patients had a reversal of hepatic steatosis, or fatty liver disease, upon choline supplementation. Additionally, a study from the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, resulted in PC protection of rat liver cells from alcohol-induced toxicity. The authors propose that phosphatidylcholine reduces cell death through a reduction in oxidative stress.

Intestinal Health

Phosphatidylcholine is a major lipid in the protective mucus layer of the gastrointestinal tract. It can mitigate GI injury by exerting an anti-inflammatory effect. A recent study in BMC Gastroenterology, shows that PC inhibits pro-inflammatory substances and is beneficial for those suffering from ulcerative colitis.

Emerging evidence also indicates that PC can protect the stomach and intestinal lining from the damaging effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, also called NSAIDs. Using a combined product of the NSAID, naproxen and PC, a study in Inflammopharmacology states that ” Naproxen-PC appears to induce significantly less GI injury and bleeding in two rodent model systems while maintaining anti-inflammatory and COX-inhibitory activity.”

Neuropsychiatric Disorders

Phosphatidylcholine’s importance in cell membrane integrity and intracellular communication has led to research in the area of neurology. Although studies are limited, data suggests PC supplementation can reduce symptoms of illnesses associated with low levels of acetylcholine including, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, Huntington’s chorea, Tourette’s syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease. Results from a study in the Journal Proteome Research, revealed that lipid abnormalities within the brain and blood may be factors in the disease processes of both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

What Phospholipids Do

Because the phosphate group in the phospholipid is charged, it allows this lipid to mix with both fat and water, making it amphipathic. This is why phospholipids are able make up the outer membranes of cells. Phospholipids form a double-layer membrane — or bilayer — around the contents of the cell, with the phosphate heads facing both the inside and outside of the cell, and the fatty acids in rows that face each other within the membrane, helping to form a water-repelling barrier. This barrier keeps the aqueous contents of the cell separate from the aqueous exterior. However, the phospholipid membrane does allows small — albeit important — molecules to pass into and out of the cell, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide.

While phospholipids are important as cell membranes, that’s not their only role in your body. These fats are also crucial for digestion. In the stomach, phospholipids help break fats down so they’re easier to digest, and in the small intestine, the phospholipids in bile help emulsify fats so they can be carried in blood.



Sunflower Lecithin: The World’s Best Brain Supplement and More!

In this online article by Dr. Jockers he explains Liposomal vitamin C in easy-to-read terms, and in much more depth.

Dr. Jockers also shares his Liposomal Vitamin C dosage recommendations:

Check out my blog and the many articles that may help you.

Buy soy-free and alcohol-free liposomal 
vitamin C here

What does the United States Cancer Institute have to say about high dose Vitamin C in relation to Cancer?

Researchers are not as up to date as they need to be in regards to the latest form of high dose vitamin C; liposomal vitamin C, which is also taken orally, but is not absorbed the same way as an oral or powdered vitamin C. Oral vitamin C is referred to in the current day research in a less positive light than intravenous vitamin C because it is not able to be absorbed into our cells in high doses.
Liposomal vitamin C is different than oral vitamin C referred to in the studies because it bi-passes most of the gastrointestinal system, and enters the cells directly via the phospholipids in which it is encapsulated. Liposomal vitamin C therefor it is most similar to intravenous vitamin C.

So when reading articles on vitamin C studies remember not to confuse liposomal vitamin C with oral vitamin C studies and think of it more like a less invasive safer form of  intravenous vitamin C that it is possible to take in equally high doses, in the comfort of your home, without upsetting the digestive system.

Overview from The National Cancer Institute (USA)

 Originally published by the National Cancer Institute.

And this article is worth a read too, if you or anyone you know is considering chemotherapy and high dose vitamin C therapy in combo.

Check out my high dose vitamin C blog and the many articles related to high dose vitamin C here.

Read testimonial from Australians discovering the benefits of Liposomal vitamin C here.

Purchase high quality soy-free and alcohol-free liposomal vitamin C here


A Personal Cancer Story
“I used high dose vitamin C therapy in conjunction with radiation to a tumor on my spine and continue to use the high dose vitamin C every day. At my oncologist meeting in Jan 2018, my oncologist agreed that the images from my last CT and bone scans showed not only stability but signs of ‘contrast filling in’ and that this could indicate that healing was taking place on my spine. She also told me that my blood tests showed that my breast cancer tumour markers were in the normal persons range. I refer to my high dose vitamin C intake as my DIY immune therapy and it is one of a handful of therapies I am doing.
I have started a page within this blog where I will post articles which specifically relate to high dose vitamin C and its compatibility with chemotherapy and radiation.
Find it here

Abbey Mitchell 2018

In this online article by Dr. Jockers he explains Liposomal vitamin C in easy-to-read terms, and in much more depth.

Dr. Jockers also shares his Liposomal Vitamin C dosage recommendations:

Check out my blog and the many articles that may help you.

Buy soy-free and alcohol-free liposomal 
vitamin C here

Sunflower Lecithin is better than soy lecithin

So, as this wonderful article explains, not only is soy lecithin unsuitable for women like myself healing their ER+ breast cancer, but soy is actually an inferior product to sunflower lecithin in so many ways!
I’m feeling so grateful that I made the switch to sunflower lecithin. My digestive system, my liver, my brain and my nervous system are now getting the very best support with my high dose Liposomal vitamin C made on sunflower lecithin.

Josephine writes…”The presence of a purported cancer-causing chemical in the extraction process of soy lecithin called hexane makes it infinitely more toxic than sunflower lecithin, which is obtained by cold pressing. Cold pressing is a much more expensive process, however, and this is why sunflower lecithin is costlier than soy lecithin. Nevertheless, it is by far the more superior lecithin extract.”

Full Article:…/sunflower-lecithin-benefits/

Contact me if you are interested in knowing more about my highly potent, high quality,  Life Energy C liposomal Vitamin C product, that I hope will  be of support to you and increase your healing energy.

In this online article by Dr. Jockers he explains Liposomal vitamin C in easy-to-read terms, and in much more depth.

Dr. Jockers also shares his Liposomal Vitamin C dosage recommendations:

Check out my blog and the many articles that may help you.

Buy soy-free and alcohol-free liposomal 
vitamin C here

Study compares forms of vitamin C

This study demonstrated that oral delivery of vitamin C encapsulated in liposomes promotes greater bioavailability than unencapsulated vitamin C, while avoiding the risks associated with intravenous administration.

Liposomal-encapsulated Ascorbic Acid: Influence on Vitamin C bioavailability and Capacity to Protect Against Ischemia–Reperfusion Injury (PDF Download Available).

Available here

In this online article by Dr. Jockers he explains Liposomal vitamin C in easy-to-read terms, and in much more depth.

Dr. Jockers also shares his Liposomal Vitamin C dosage recommendations:

Check out my blog and the many articles that may help you.

Buy soy-free and alcohol-free liposomal 
vitamin C here